Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Lovely Sentiment!

Getting Ready For Some Critical Thinking!

I'm loving this display wall where I can swap out different pieces of artwork in the frame and have kids select one of the critique questions to journal about!

Second Graders Begin Jackson Pollock Artist Study

4th Grade Self Portraits: "Believe in Your Selfie."

I am learning so much about my fourth grade students by looking at their "selfies." They've drawn themselves wearing the clothes they like to wear while doing activities they enjoy in places that are important to them! #awesome

First Through Third Grade Experiments with Tints & Shades

Decking Our New Halls

Kindergarten Finger Paint Color Wheels

Back to School Excitement!

 I love how a lot of parents are now taking photos of the kids on the first day of school, with a sign telling the year and their grade. We teachers decided to get silly and do the same, telling what year of teaching it was for us! This is my lucky 13th! (Second year of teaching art)
 And I got a fun new school bag too, from 31! "Art Chick." heehee

Friday, September 12, 2014

Beautiful Oops

 All grade levels read Beautiful Oops by Barney Saltzberg. This book teaches us not to waste imperfect paper, and to not get frustrated if our art doesn't turn out the way we planned. Often times it ends up being better than we could ever have imagined!

Alexander Calder Inspired Mobiles

 Last year's second graders made these mobiles, inspired by mobile inventor Alexander Calder, during our study on balance and sculpture. I packed them and moved them with us from the old school and finally got to proudly display them in the stairway to the basement. So much color!!!

Exploring Color Theory

 Students in all grade levels are having fun reading literature about color, and then putting mixing into practice!
 We used play doh in primary colors to mix secondary and tertiary colors.

 Then we added black and white play doh to change the values. Fun!

Welcome to the Lower School Art Room!