Monday, April 20, 2015

A Visit to the Brooklyn Museum's Egyptian Gallery

 Third grade has been studying the art of ancient Egypt. Over spring break, I visited the Egyptian gallery of the Brooklyn Museum. Since I couldn't take you there, I will bring the artifacts to you! Here is an Egyptian collar like the ones we mad from paper plates!
 Here we see the ankh symbol we learned to draw, which means "Key of the Nile" and is a symbol of eternal life.
 Here is a sarcophagus. There were lots of them!

 This figurine has the crook and flail symbols we learned to draw. They stand for royalty and fertile land.
 "Divine Felines" Egyptian cat mummy gallery!!!!!!
 A selfie with a cat mummy! The ones third grade made were even prettier!

 A scarab beetle!
Straight beards for royals, curved beards for gods
 The eye of Horus, a rising cobra, is a symbol of protection
 a royal with crook and flail

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